is a brand that focuses on bridging the gap between the modern world and the world of tribal communities and their natural remedies.
The brand offers a blog that explores the world of tribal communities, their view of nature, and their natural remedies. They also host upcoming events and seminars related to these topics.
The brand’s unique selling proposition is its ability to provide a connection between the modern world and the traditional knowledge and practices of tribal communities. It aims to educate and inform its audience about the rich cultural heritage and natural healing methods of these communities.
Curandero addresses the human need for a deeper understanding and appreciation of nature, as well as the desire to explore alternative and holistic approaches to health and well-being. The brand seeks to evoke emotions of curiosity, wonder, and a sense of connection with the natural world.

Founder and owner of Ivan Nikitović was born in 1984 in Serbia, into a family with a generational tradition of herbalists and doctors. Since the age of 17, he has been seriously dedicated to studying medicinal plants, starting with plants in Serbia and then expanding his focus to Europe.
Since 2015, Ivan has been directly collaborating with indigenous peoples of South America, predominantly in the Amazon. During this period, he has honed his skills under various plant teachers, including tobacco, ayahuasca, huachuma (San Pedro), and others.

In 2017, Ivan begins studying the ‘Master Plant Diet,’ a practice of herbalists and ‘shamans’ in South America. Collaborating with indigenous cultures such as the Shipibo and Quechua, Ivan undergoes various diets with plants like Datura, Bobinsana Rapé, Bachuha, Chuchuashi, and others. These diets involve different food and water restrictions as well as abstinence. The thoughts and intentions of the person conducting the diet become crucial, and suffering is part of the process, linked to enduring restrictions and focusing on retaining information.
Center of tradicional indigenous culture and medicine Katari
In 2019, Ivan becomes a part of the Yawanawa community, initiated by Maestre Waxy Yawanawa. He then becomes a Maestro of Rapé medicine, earning the right to share this ancient knowledge with others, how to connect with this medicine. The initiation into the Yawanawa culture involves a month-long waterless diet, restricted diet, and time spent solely in the deep forest.

Grafity in Tarapoto street Peru
Ivan Nikitović brings this ancient knowledge to Europe, sharing his personal experiences gained through the process of silence in the jungle. His biography represents a journey through the world of medicinal plants, indigenous cultures, and spirituality, culminating in the role of Maestro of Rapé medicine and guardian of this treasure from oblivion.