Blue lotus and lucid dreaming


A Guide to Lucid Dreaming with the Blue Lotus Flower.

The realm of dreams has fascinated humanity for centuries, offering a gateway to explore the depths of the subconscious mind. Lucid dreaming, a state where one becomes aware that they are dreaming, allows for conscious interaction within the dream world. Among the various techniques to induce lucid dreaming, the use of the Blue Lotus flower stands out for its historical significance and reported effects. In this blog, we’ll delve into the art of lucid dreaming and explore how the Blue Lotus flower might play a role in enhancing this experience.

Understanding Lucid Dreaming: Lucid dreaming occurs when a person is fully conscious within a dream, enabling them to recognize and sometimes even control the dream’s narrative. This state of heightened awareness offers an incredible opportunity for self-exploration, creativity, and personal growth.

The Blue Lotus Flower’s Historical Connection: The Blue Lotus flower (Nymphaea caerulea), also known as the Egyptian Lotus or Blue Water Lily, has deep-rooted historical and cultural significance. It has been revered in ancient Egyptian, Mayan, and Hindu cultures for its spiritual and medicinal properties. The flower is often associated with relaxation, heightened awareness, and altered states of consciousness.

Using Blue Lotus for Lucid Dreaming: While scientific research on the specific effects of Blue Lotus flower on dreams is limited, anecdotal evidence suggests that it contributes to enhancing the lucid dreaming experience. Here are steps to incorporate Blue Lotus into your lucid dreaming practice:

  1. Obtain High-Quality Blue Lotus Flower: Acquire Blue Lotus flowers from reputable sources, ensuring they are free from additives or contaminants.
  2. Prepare Blue Lotus Tea or Tincture: Blue Lotus can be brewed into a tea, marinated in alcohol, or smoked. To make tea, steep the dried flowers in hot water for around 20-30 minutes. For a tincture, soak the flowers in alcohol for several weeks. Blue Lotus can also be smoked in a pre roll, blunt, or bong. 
  3. Choose an Ideal Time: Consume the Blue Lotus in the evening, about an hour before you plan to sleep. This timing might help the effects align with your dream cycles during the night.
  4. Create a Relaxing Atmosphere: Before bed, create a calming environment. Dim the lights, practice relaxation techniques, and engage in activities like meditation to prepare your mind for dreaming. Meditation music and frequencies can be very beneficial and there are thousands to choose from on YouTube
  5. Set Your Intention: As you consume the Blue Lotus preparation, set a clear intention in your mind that you want to experience a lucid dream. Affirmations can help reinforce your intention.
  6. Dream Journaling: Keep a dream journal by your bedside to record your dreams as soon as you wake up. This practice can help you identify recurring dream signs and patterns, increasing your chances of recognizing them during a dream.
  7. Reality Checks: Throughout the day, perform reality checks like trying to push your finger through your palm. This habit might carry over into your dreams, triggering lucidity when the check fails in a dream.

Conclusion: Lucid dreaming offers a unique way to explore the vast landscape of the mind, and the use of the Blue Lotus flower adds an intriguing dimension to this journey. While its effects can vary from person to person, integrating Blue Lotus into your lucid dreaming practice can enhance your awareness within dreams. Remember that patience and consistent practice are key; exploring the world of dreams requires dedication and an open mind.


In this captivating exploration, we follow the journeys of two volunteers as they venture into the realm of blue lotus experimentation, unravelling the mysteries of its effects on the human consciousness. As their experiences unfold, we delve deeper into the historical fabric, tracing the delicate threads that connect this ancient botanical to the enigmatic practices of the revered ancient Egyptians.


The ancient Egyptians left an indelible mark on history with their impressive architectural wonders, intricate burial practices, and profound religious beliefs. Among their various cultural elements, the blue lotus flower holds a unique allure. Revered for its enchanting beauty and believed to possess mystical properties, the blue lotus played a significant role in the lives of the ancient Egyptians. In this blog, we delve into the captivating world of the blue lotus and its significance in ancient Egyptian culture.

The Sacred Symbolism: The blue lotus (Nymphaea caerulea), also known as the Egyptian lotus or the sacred blue lily, was highly regarded by the ancient Egyptians. It symbolized creation, rebirth, and spiritual enlightenment. Depictions of the blue lotus can be found in numerous ancient Egyptian artifacts, including temple walls, papyrus scrolls, and tombs, emphasizing its importance in their society.

Religious Ceremonies: The blue lotus held a central place in religious rituals and ceremonies. It was associated with the sun god Ra and the creation myth, often portrayed in conjunction with the sun rising from the petals of the lotus. The ancient Egyptians believed that the blue lotus possessed divine properties, offering spiritual elevation and aiding in the journey to the afterlife.

Medicinal and Therapeutic Uses: The ancient Egyptians recognized the medicinal properties of the blue lotus and employed it for various therapeutic purposes. The flower was known for its sedative and analgesic effects, and it was used to alleviate pain, induce relaxation, and treat various ailments. Additionally, it was believed to have aphrodisiac qualities and was used as a remedy for fertility-related issues.

Artistic Inspiration: The captivating beauty of the blue lotus flower became a significant inspiration for ancient Egyptian art and architecture. Its elegant form and vibrant blue color were frequently depicted in murals, sculptures, and jewelry designs. The mesmerizing sight of blue lotus blossoms floating on water bodies can be observed in numerous ancient Egyptian art pieces, reflecting their artistic reverence for this enchanting flower.

Social and Recreational Use: Apart from its spiritual and medicinal significance, the blue lotus was also valued for its recreational use. The ancient Egyptians believed that consuming the blue lotus elixir or infusing it into wine would induce euphoria and heightened awareness. It was often consumed during social gatherings and festive occasions, enhancing the overall ambiance and fostering a sense of relaxation and spiritual connection.

Conclusion: The blue lotus flower holds a significant place in the rich tapestry of ancient Egyptian culture. Revered for its enchanting beauty and mystical properties, this flower played a pivotal role in their religious ceremonies, therapeutic practices, artistic inspirations, and social gatherings. The ancient Egyptians regarded the blue lotus as a symbol of creation, rebirth, and spiritual enlightenment. Its legacy lives on through the remnants of ancient art, inscriptions, and historical accounts, leaving us captivated by its profound influence on one of the world’s most fascinating civilizations.


Blue lotus, also known as Nymphaea caerulea, is a water lily that has been used for centuries in various traditional practices, particularly in ancient Egyptian and Mayan cultures. It is renowned for its beautiful blue flowers and is often associated with relaxation, euphoria, and spiritual experiences.

Blue lotus has gained popularity in recent times due to its potential effects on lucid dreaming. Lucid dreaming is a state in which the dreamer becomes aware that they are dreaming and can exert some control over the dream’s content. Many people find lucid dreaming fascinating because it allows them to explore and interact with their dreams in a conscious manner.

Some individuals report that consuming blue lotus in the form of tea, tinctures, or smoking before sleep can lead to more vivid dreams, increased dream recall, and an elevated likelihood of experiencing lucid dreams. 

If you’re interested in exploring lucid dreaming, it’s worth considering various practices and techniques that have been studied and proven to be effective. These include keeping a dream journal, reality testing throughout the day, practicing meditation and mindfulness, and utilizing specific induction techniques like Wake Induced Lucid Dreaming (WILD) or Mnemonic Induction of Lucid Dreams (MILD). Combining these practices with a healthy sleep routine and a conducive sleep environment may increase your chances of experiencing lucid dreams.


 Blue Lotus (Nymphaea caerulea) is a plant with historical and cultural significance, known for its calming and euphoric effects. It has been used traditionally in various forms, including as a tea, smoke, or inhaled as a vapor. Here are some common ways to consume Blue Lotus

Blue Lotus Tea: This is one of the most popular methods of consumption. To make Blue Lotus tea, steep dried Blue Lotus flowers or petals in hot water for about 20-30 minutes. You can sweeten it with honey or add other herbs for more flavour.

Blue Lotus Tincture: Tinctures are concentrated extracts of herbs that are often used for their medicinal properties. Blue Lotus tinctures are available commercially and can be taken orally by adding a few drops to a glass of water or another beverage.

Blue Lotus Smoking: Some people prefer to smoke Blue Lotus for its relaxing effects. You can roll dried Blue Lotus flowers or petals into a cigarette or use a pipe or vaporizer designed for herbal substances.

Blue Lotus Wine: Blue Lotus can be infused into wine or other alcoholic beverages. Place dried Blue Lotus flowers or petals in a bottle of wine and let it infuse for a few weeks. The resulting beverage can be consumed in moderation.

Blue Lotus Capsules: Capsules containing powdered Blue Lotus are available in some herbal supplement stores. Follow the instructions on the packaging for the recommended dosage.

Blue Lotus Inhalation: A few drops of Blue Lotus essential oil or tincture can be added to a diffuser or vaporizer to inhale the aroma. Inhalation may provide a more subtle effect compared to other methods.

Remember to start with a low dose and gradually increase if needed, as the potency of Blue Lotus can vary.


Creating Blue Lotus Wine: Making Blue Lotus wine is a traditional method of infusing the properties of the Blue Lotus flower into an alcoholic beverage. Here’s a simple recipe to guide you through the process:


Dried Blue Lotus flowers (approximately 10-15 grams)

  • 1 bottle of white or red wine (your choice, although white wine is commonly used)
  • Airtight glass container or jar
  • Strainer or cheesecloth
  • Optional: sweetener of your choice (honey, sugar, etc.) if desired


Start by ensuring your Blue Lotus flowers are dried and clean. It’s important to use high-quality, organic Blue Lotus flowers to ensure purity and avoid any potential contaminants.

Take your airtight glass container or jar and add the dried Blue Lotus flowers to it.

Pour the entire bottle of wine into the container, covering the flowers completely. Ensure that the container is sealed tightly to prevent any air from entering.

Place the container in a cool, dark place and allow the mixture to steep for at least one to two weeks. This time allows the alcohol to extract the compounds and flavours from the Blue Lotus flowers.

During this steeping period, you may gently shake the container once a day to ensure thorough mixing.

After the desired steeping time has passed, it’s time to strain the mixture. Use a strainer or cheesecloth to separate the infused liquid from the Blue Lotus flowers. Squeeze out any excess liquid from the flowers to ensure you capture all the flavors.

If desired, you can add a sweetener of your choice to the strained Blue Lotus wine. This step is optional and depends on personal preference.

Once strained and sweetened (if desired), transfer the Blue Lotus wine to a clean glass bottle for storage. Seal the bottle tightly and store it in a cool, dark place.

The Blue Lotus wine is now ready to be enjoyed. It can be served chilled or at room temperature, depending on personal preference.

Important Considerations:

  • Remember to drink Blue Lotus wine responsibly and in moderation, as you would with any alcoholic beverage. Understand your own tolerance and be aware of the potential effects.
  • It’s advisable to consult with a healthcare professional if you have any underlying medical conditions or are taking medications before consuming Blue Lotus wine or any other infused beverage.
  • Please check the legal status of Blue Lotus and its usage in your country or region before attempting to make Blue Lotus wine.

Conclusion: Creating Blue Lotus wine is an intriguing way to explore the properties of this mystical flower. By infusing the dried Blue Lotus flowers with wine and allowing them to steep, you can create a unique beverage that combines the allure of the flower with the enjoyment of a glass of wine. Just remember to approach it responsibly, respecting your own limits and local regulations, and savor the experience with curiosity and appreciation.


In the realm of natural remedies and botanical treasures, few plants possess the captivating allure of the Blue Lotus. For centuries, this mystical flower has been celebrated for its remarkable benefits and profound impact on mental, physical, and spiritual well-being. Let’s embark on a journey to explore the enchanting benefits of Blue Lotus, an ancient treasure that continues to captivate the imagination of many.

Promotes Relaxation and Eases Stress: One of the most renowned qualities of Blue Lotus is its ability to induce a state of relaxation and tranquility. The plant contains compounds that interact with the central nervous system, promoting a sense of calmness and reducing anxiety and stress. By gently soothing the mind, Blue Lotus can help alleviate the pressures of modern life and contribute to a more balanced and peaceful state of being.

Enhances Mood and Elevation of Spirit: Blue Lotus is often revered for its mood-enhancing properties. The plant contains alkaloids and flavonoids that stimulate the production of serotonin and dopamine in the brain, leading to an improved sense of well-being, happiness, and contentment. It is known to uplift the spirit and promote a positive outlook on life, making it a popular choice for those seeking emotional balance and heightened consciousness.

Supports Restful Sleep and Lucid Dreaming: For individuals struggling with sleep disorders or restless nights, Blue Lotus offers a natural remedy. Consuming Blue Lotus tea or extracts before bedtime can help calm the mind, induce relaxation, and enhance sleep quality. Additionally, Blue Lotus has been revered for its ability to promote lucid dreaming—a state where one becomes aware of their dream and can actively participate or direct the dream’s narrative. This dream-enhancing quality can provide a gateway to explore the depths of one’s subconscious mind.

Enhances Cognitive Function and Focus: Blue Lotus has been traditionally used as a brain tonic, renowned for its cognitive-enhancing properties. It is believed to stimulate blood flow to the brain, improving focus, concentration, and mental clarity. The plant’s therapeutic compounds may also help protect brain cells from oxidative stress and age-related decline, contributing to long-term cognitive health.

Supports Sexual Health and Aphrodisiac Properties: Throughout history, Blue Lotus has been considered a powerful aphrodisiac. It is believed to stimulate sexual desire, increase sensitivity, and enhance overall sexual experience. The plant’s ability to relax the body and mind can also contribute to a more intimate and enjoyable connection with one’s partner.

Aids in Meditation and Spiritual Exploration: Blue Lotus has deep-rooted associations with spirituality and is often used as a tool for meditation and spiritual exploration. Many ancient civilizations regarded Blue Lotus as a sacred plant, using it to induce altered states of consciousness and facilitate deep introspection. The plant’s calming and centering effects can help quiet the mind, enhance focus, and deepen one’s connection to the spiritual realm.

Conclusion: Blue Lotus, with its remarkable range of benefits, stands as a testament to the extraordinary power of nature. Whether seeking relaxation, mental clarity, enhanced mood, or spiritual enlightenment, this mystical flower offers a multifaceted approach to well-being. However, it is essential to note that individual experiences may vary, and it is advisable to consult with a healthcare professional before incorporating Blue Lotus into your routine. As we continue to explore the secrets of nature’s bounty, the Blue Lotus remains an alluring and revered ally on the path to holistic wellness.

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