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February 16 @ 4:00 pm - 7:00 pm




Brazilski lek Ra-pé-h koristi se tradicionalno u mnogim plemenima u Amazoniji i plemenskim savezima zbog niza potencijalnih benefita. Ovaj biljni lek, često napravljen od mlevenih listova i korena određenih biljaka, ima ritualnu i terapeutsku svrhu u plemenskim zajednicama. Evo nekoliko ključnih benefita koji se pripisuju upotrebi Ra-pé-h leka:

1. Duševna Klarifikacija: Ra-pé-h se koristi kako bi se postigla mentalna jasnoća i fokus. Plemena koriste ovaj lek da  pomognu otvaranju uma, čime se poboljšava svest i pomaže u donošenju odluka.

2. Energetsko Čišćenje: Veruje se da Ra-pé-h ima sposobnost čišćenja negativne energije i blokada, pridonoseći energetskoj ravnoteži tela i duha.

3. Ritualna Upotreba: Plemena koriste Ra-pé-h u raznim ritualima, poput inicijacija, ozdravljenja i povezivanja sa duhovnim svetom. To se smatra svetim iskustvom koje jača duhovnu povezanost unutar zajednice.

4. Fizičko Olakšanje: Ra-pé-h se koristi za olakšanje fizičkih tegoba, uključujući glavobolje, bolove u mišićima i zglobovima. Veruje se da ima analgetska svojstva.

5. Povećanje Svesti o svojoj prirodi: Plemena koja koriste Ra-pé-h se često izražavaju duboko poštovanje prema svojoj prirodi i prirodi oko njih. Ovaj lek pomaže im da se povežu sa sobom, okolinom i ojačaju njihovu vezu sa zemljom.

6. Socijalna Povezanost: Ritualna upotreba Ra-pé-h često uključuje zajedničko iskustvo unutar plemena, jačajući socijalne veze i solidarnost unutar zajednice.

7. Spiritualna Ekspanzija: Mnogim korisnicima Ra-pé-h pomaže u postizanju dubljeg duhovnog uvida, proširujući njihovo razumevanje sveta i samih sebe.

8. Ublažavanje Stresa: Upotreba Ra-pé-h povezuje se s opuštanjem i smanjenjem stresa. Neki korisnici smatraju da im pomaže suočavanje s emocionalnim izazovima.

Važno je napomenuti da su ovo samo neki od benefita kao i to da je svako iskustvo individualno i može varirati.



Gongovi, muzički instrumenti koji se koriste širom sveta u različitim kulturama, imaju dugu istoriju i često se povezuju sa duhovnim i terapeutskim benefitima. Evo nekoliko ključnih aspekata i potencijalnih benefita gongova:

  1. Energetsko Pročišćenje: Upotreba gongova često se povezuje sa sposobnošću pročišćavanja energetskog polja tela. Zvukovi gongova mogu doprineti uklanjanju blokada i neravnoteža, čime se postiže harmonija unutar tela.
  2. Duboko Opuštanje: Zvuk gongova može duboko relaksirati um i telo. Terapeuti i praktikanti često koriste gongove u meditacijama kako bi postigli stanje dubokog opuštanja i unutarnjeg mira.
  3. Stimulacija Svesti: Zvukovi gongova, sa svojom kompleksnom vibracijom, mogu doprineti proširenoj svesti. Praktikanti tvrde da gongovi mogu pomoći u postizanju meditativnih stanja i proširenju percepcije.
  4. Harmonizacija Čakri: U okviru duhovnih praksi, gongovi se često koriste za harmonizaciju energetskih centara poznatih kao čakre. Različiti tonovi gongova povezuju se sa različitim čakrama, pridonoseći njihovoj ravnoteži.
  5. Fizičko Iseceljenje: Vibracije gongova mogu imati blagotvorno dejstvo na fizičko zdravlje. Neki praktikanti su primetili da ovi zvukovi podstiču cirkulaciju, opuštaju mišiće i smanjuju napetost u telu.
  6. Ritualna Upotreba: Gongovi se često koriste u raznim duhovnim i ritualnim praksama. Njihov zvuk može poslužiti kao sredstvo povezivanja sa višim duhovnim silama ili kao deo rituala u kojem se stvara svetlo i pozitivna energija.
  7. Stvaranje Harmoničnog Prostora: Gongovi se često koriste u prostorima za meditaciju, terapije ili ceremonije kako bi stvorili harmoničnu atmosferu. Njihova prisutnost može doprineti pozitivnom energetskom okruženju.
  8. Podsticanje Kreativnosti: Zvukovi gongova smatraju se inspirativnim, podstičući kreativnost i intuitivno razmišljanje. Mnogi umetnici i kreativni pojedinci koriste gongove kao deo svoje prakse kako bi poboljšali svoj proces stvaranja.

Harmonizacija Uma Duha i Tela: Integracija Rape, Sanange i Gongova

U okviru duhovnih i terapeutskih praksi, kombinacija upotrebe Ra-pé-h, Sanange i Gongova može stvoriti holistički pristup koji doprinosi harmonizaciji uma duha i tela. Svaka od ovih praksi ima svoje specifične benefite, a njihova zajednička primena može rezultirati sinergijskim efektima za učesnike.

1. Energetska Ravnoteža: Upotreba Ra-pé-h može doprineti energetskom pročišćenju, dok Sananga pruža podršku očnom zdravlju i čišćenju negativne energije. Gongovi, sa svojim kompleksnim zvucima, mogu dodatno stimulisati energetske centre tela, pridonoseći celokupnoj ravnoteži.

2. Duboka Relaksacija i Opuštanje: Zvukovi gongova su poznati po svojoj sposobnosti dubokog opuštanja uma i tela. Kombinacija sa ritualnom upotrebom Ra-pé-h i Sanange može stvoriti iskustvo duboke relaksacije, umirujući um i smanjujući stres.

3. Svestranost Emocionalne Zrelosti: Praktikovanje ovih praksi može pomoći u razvoju emocionalne zrelosti. Ra-pé-h, sa svojim ritualnim značenjem, Sananga, sa fokusom na unutarnjem balansu, i Gongovi, s mogućnošću podsticanja kreativnosti da uvidimo stvari iz druge perspektive, zajedno doprinose emocionalnom blagostanju.

4. Duševna Klarifikacija i Proširena Svest: Gongovi, kao i upotreba Sanange, često se povezuju s proširenjem svesti i duševnom klarifikacijom. Kombinacija ova tri elementa može podstaći dublje introspektivno razmišljanje, podržavajući pojedince u njihovom duhovnom razvoju.

5. Fizičko Iseceljenje: Sananga i Gongovi mogu imati blagotvorno dejstvo na fizičko zdravlje. Sananga podržava oči, dok vibracije gongova mogu doprineti opuštanju mišića i poboljšanju cirkulacije, a upotreba Ra-pé-h može pružiti analgetska svojstva.

6. Ritualna Povezanost i Socijalna Harmonija: Učestvovanje u ovakvim ritualima može jačati socijalne veze i solidarnost unutar zajednice. Rituali sa Ra-pé-h lekom, upotreba Sanange i muzički događaji sa Gongovima mogu stvoriti zajedničko iskustvo koje povećava osećaj pripadnosti.

7. Stvaranje Harmoničnog Prostora: Gongovi ne samo da stvaraju harmoničan zvučni prostor već i vizuelno stimuliraju kroz svoje oblike i dizajn. Ovaj estetski aspekt, zajedno s ritualnom primenom Ra-pé-h i Sanange, može stvoriti prostor koji podržava pozitivnu energiju i duhovni rast.

8. Podsticanje Kreativnosti i Intuicije: Zvukovi gongova često se povezuju s inspiracijom, dok upotreba Sanange može povećati intuitivne sposobnosti. Ovi elementi, zajedno s ritualnim značenjem Ra-pé-h leka, mogu podstaći intuitivno razmišljanje.

Cena učešća na ovom događaju je 30 eura a polovina se uplaćuje kao avans za rezervaciju mesta, broj mesta je ograničen. 

S ljubavlju

Ivan Curandero

Broj mesta je ograničen

Sve prijave slati na 
Puno srdačnih pozdrava 
Ivan Curandero  


The Brazilian medicine Ra-pé-h is traditionally used among many tribes in the Amazon and tribal alliances due to its range of potential benefits. This herbal remedy, often made from ground leaves and roots of specific plants, serves both ritualistic and therapeutic purposes in tribal communities. Here are some key benefits attributed to the use of Ra-pé-h:

  1. Mental Clarity: Ra-pé-h is used to achieve mental clarity and focus. Tribes utilize this medicine to help open the mind, enhancing awareness and aiding in decision-making.
  2. Energetic Cleansing: Ra-pé-h is believed to have the ability to cleanse negative energy and blockages, contributing to the energetic balance of the body and spirit.
  3. Ritual Use: Tribes incorporate Ra-pé-h in various rituals, such as initiations, healing practices, and connecting with the spiritual realm. It is regarded as a sacred experience that strengthens spiritual connections within the community.
  4. Physical Relief: Ra-pé-h is used to alleviate physical discomforts, including headaches, muscle pain, and joint issues. It is believed to possess analgesic properties.
  5. Increased Awareness of Nature: Tribes using Ra-pé-h often express profound respect for their nature and the environment around them. This medicine helps them connect with themselves, their surroundings, and strengthen their bond with the earth.
  6. Social Connection: The ritualistic use of Ra-pé-h often involves a shared experience within the tribe, reinforcing social ties and solidarity within the community.
  7. Spiritual Expansion: Many users of Ra-pé-h find it aids in achieving deeper spiritual insights, expanding their understanding of the world and themselves.
  8. Stress Relief: The use of Ra-pé-h is associated with relaxation and stress reduction. Some users find it helpful in coping with emotional challenges.

It is important to note that these are just some of the benefits, and each experience is individual and may vary.


Gongs, musical instruments used worldwide in various cultures, have a long history and are often associated with spiritual and therapeutic benefits. Here are several key aspects and potential benefits of gongs:

  1. Energetic Cleansing: The use of gongs is often linked to the ability to cleanse the body’s energy field. The sounds of gongs can help remove blockages and imbalances, achieving harmony within the body.
  2. Deep Relaxation: The sound of gongs can profoundly relax the mind and body. Therapists and practitioners often use gongs in meditations to achieve deep relaxation and inner peace.
  3. Awareness Stimulation: The complex vibrations of gong sounds can contribute to expanded awareness. Practitioners assert that gongs can help achieve meditative states and broaden perception.
  4. Chakra Harmonization: In spiritual practices, gongs are frequently used to harmonize energy centers known as chakras. Different gong tones are associated with various chakras, contributing to their balance.
  5. Physical Healing: The vibrations of gongs can positively impact physical health. Some practitioners have noticed that these sounds stimulate circulation, relax muscles, and reduce tension in the body.
  6. Ritual Use: Gongs are often used in various spiritual and ritual practices. Their sound can serve as a means of connecting with higher spiritual forces or as part of rituals that create light and positive energy.
  7. Creating a Harmonious Space: Gongs are commonly used in meditation, therapy, or ceremony spaces to create a harmonious atmosphere. Their presence can contribute to a positive energetic environment.
  8. Encouraging Creativity: The sounds of gongs are considered inspirational, encouraging creativity and intuitive thinking. Many artists and creative individuals use gongs as part of their practice to enhance their creative process.


Within spiritual and therapeutic practices, the combination of using Ra-pé-h, Sananga, and gongs can create a holistic approach that promotes the harmonization of mind, body, and spirit. Each of these practices has its specific benefits, and their combined application can result in synergistic effects for participants.

  1. Energetic Balance: The use of Ra-pé-h can contribute to energetic cleansing, while Sananga supports eye health and negative energy cleansing. Gongs, with their complex sounds, can further stimulate the body’s energy centers, contributing to overall balance.
  2. Deep Relaxation and Stress Relief: The sounds of gongs are known for their ability to induce deep relaxation of the mind and body. Combining this with the ritualistic use of Ra-pé-h and Sananga can create an experience of profound relaxation, soothing the mind and reducing stress.
  3. Versatile Emotional Maturity: Practicing these techniques can aid in developing emotional maturity. Ra-pé-h, with its ritual significance, Sananga, focusing on inner balance, and gongs, which can stimulate creativity and encourage viewing things from different perspectives, collectively contribute to emotional well-being.
  4. Mental Clarity and Expanded Awareness: Both gongs and the use of Sananga are often associated with expanded awareness and mental clarity. The combination of these three elements can encourage deeper introspective thinking, supporting individuals in their spiritual development.
  5. Physical Healing: Sananga and gongs can positively affect physical health. Sananga supports eye health, while gong vibrations can contribute to muscle relaxation and improved circulation, and the use of Ra-pé-h can provide analgesic properties.
  6. Ritual Connection and Social Harmony: Participating in such rituals can strengthen social ties and solidarity within the community. Rituals with Ra-pé-h, the use of Sananga, and musical events with gongs can create a shared experience that enhances a sense of belonging.
  7. Creating a Harmonious Space: Gongs not only create a harmonious sound space but also visually stimulate through their shapes and designs. This aesthetic aspect, combined with the ritual application of Ra-pé-h and Sananga, can create a space that supports positive energy and spiritual growth.
  8. Encouraging Creativity and Intuition: The sounds of gongs are often associated with inspiration, while the use of Sananga can enhance intuitive abilities. These elements, along with the ritual significance of Ra-pé-h, can stimulate intuitive thinking.

The participation fee for this event is €30, with half payable as a deposit to reserve a place. The number of places is limited.

With love,

Ivan Curandero

The number of places is limited.

Please send all applications to: [Registration Link]

Warmest regards, Ivan Curandero


February 16
4:00 pm - 7:00 pm


Ivan Nikitovic


Karađorđev trg 9
Belgrade, Belgrade 11080 Serbia
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