
Wild kakao Divlji Kakao (100g)

(3 customer reviews)


Availability: 35 in stock

Name of product: Divlji Kakao(Wild Cocoa)

Ingridiant:   Cacao Raw Organic, Kardamon, Cinnamon , Himalayan Salt  

Latin names: Theobroma cacaoCriollo Cacao”,Juniperus, Elettaria cardamomum, 

Origin:  Peru

Producing : @Curandero_shop Serbia 

Organic, Raw powder

Cacao contains several minerals including calcium, copper, magnesium, phosphorus, potassium, sodium and zinc. All of these minerals are found in greater quantities in cocoa than in cacao butter or cacao liquor. Cocoa solids also contain 230 mg of caffeine and 2057 mg of theobromine per 100g.

The cacao effect refers to the bioactive compounds found in cocoa products. These compounds include flavanols, procyanidins and epicatechin. Collectively, these molecules are called Cacao extract . Though these molecules are not unique to cocoa. The compound epicatechin, for example, is also found in prunes. Procyanidin B2 is found in Grape Seed Extract and Pycnogenol. The cacao extract contains a particularly high level of epicatechin, compared to other plant products.

Cacao extract is a bitter mixture with a chocolate taste, made up of xanthine molecules (theobromine and Caffeine ) and procyanidins. Supplementing cacao extract may provide cardiovascular and cognitive benefits through improved blood flow and antioxidant effects.

Supplementation with dark chocolate or cacao extract is worth a look. Unlike conventional high-dose single-antioxidant supplements such as vitamin C, E, etc., the antioxidant activity of flavanols such as epicatechin found in dark chocolate seem to do all that antioxidant supplements were originally promised to do, without negatively affecting endogenous ROS-signaling pathways.

Eating dark chocolate (50 – 85% cocoa), baker’s chocolate, and semisweet chocolate provides a low dose of epicatechin and results in the same effects as cocoa extract This is about 200 calories of chocolate. The more cocoa chocolate contains, by weight, the less is needed to achieve the same epicatechin dose. White and milk chocolate do not contain enough catechins to provide the health benefits associated with dark chocolate.

Studies show that 5-26g of dark chocolate contains 65-1,095mg of flavanols. The standard dose for cocoa flavanols is 500 – 1,000mg a day, taken with meals. Supplementing cocoa extract can be replaced by dark chocolate consumption. Cocoa extract is a safe supplement that promotes circulation and effective energy production. It has great potential long-term benefits.

About- A juniper berry is the female seed cone produced by the various species of junipers. It is not a true berry but a cone with unusually fleshy and merged scales, which gives it a berry-like appearance. The cones from a handful of species, especially Juniperus communis, are used as a spice, particularly in European cuisine.

Health benefits -Juniper berries or extract of the plant has traditionally been used as diuretic, anti-arthritis, anti-diabetes, antiseptic as well as for the treatment of gastrointestinal and autoimmune disorders.

Name of ingredient : (Wild Juniper)Juniper berries 

Latin names:  Juniperus

Origin:  Serbia


Juniper is a short to medium-height tree that grows wild in some parts of Europe, North America, and Asia. There are many varieties of juniper, but Juniperus communis is the most common in North America.

People use the juniper berry to make medicine. Medicinal preparations include the extract of juniper berry, as well as the essential oil of juniper berry. Don’t confuse juniper berry oil with cade oil, which is distilled from juniper wood (Juniperus oxycedrus).

Juniper is used for digestion problems including upset stomach, intestinal gas (flatulence), heartburn, bloating, and loss of appetite, as well as gastrointestinal (GI) infections and intestinal worms. It is also used for urinary tract infections (UTIs) and kidney and bladder stones. Other uses include treating snakebite, diabetes, and cancer.

Some people apply juniper directly to the skin for wounds and for pain in joints and muscles. The essential oil of juniper is inhaled to treat bronchitis and numb pain.

In foods, the juniper berry is often used as a condiment and a flavoring ingredient in gin and bitter preparations. The extract and essential oil are used as a flavoring ingredient in foods and beverages.

In manufacturing, the juniper oil is used as a fragrance in soaps and cosmetics.

Juniper extract and juniper oil are used in cosmetics including lipstick, foundation, hair conditioners, bath oils, bubble bath, eye shadow, and many other products.

A juniper berry is the female seed cone produced by the various species of junipers. It is not a true berry but a cone with unusually fleshy and merged scales, which gives it a berry-like appearance. The cones from a handful of species, especially Juniperus communis, are used as a spice, particularly in European cuisine.

Health benefits -Juniper berries or extract of the plant has traditionally been used as diuretic, anti-arthritis, anti-diabetes, antiseptic as well as for the treatment of gastrointestinal and autoimmune disorders.

Name of ingredient : Kardamon 

Latin names:  

Origin:  India


Cardamom (/ˈkɑːrdəməm/), sometimes cardamon or cardamum,[1] is a spice made from the seeds of several plants in the genera Elettaria and Amomum in the family Zingiberaceae. Both genera are native to the Indian subcontinent and Indonesia. They are recognized by their small seed pods: triangular in cross-section and spindle-shaped, with a thin, papery outer shell and small, black seeds; Elettaria pods are light green and smaller, while Amomum pods are larger and dark brown.

Species used for cardamom are native throughout tropical and subtropical Asia. The first references to cardamom are found in Sumer, and in the Ayurvedic literatures of India.[2] Nowadays it is also cultivated in Guatemala, Malaysia, and Tanzania.[3] The German coffee planter Oscar Majus Klöffer introduced Indian cardamom to cultivation in Guatemala before World War I; by 2000, that country had become the biggest producer and exporter of cardamom in the world, followed by India.[4] 

Name of ingredient :Cinnamon

Latin names:  



Cinnamon is a spice that is made from the inner bark of trees scientifically known as Cinnamomum. It has been used as an ingredient throughout history, dating back as far as Ancient Egypt. It used to be rare and valuable and was regarded as a gift fit for kings




Antioxidants protect your body from oxidative damage caused by free radicals. Cinnamon is loaded with powerful antioxidants, such as polyphenols. In a study that compared the antioxidant activity of 26 spices, cinnamon wound up as the clear winner, even outranking “superfoods” like garlic and oregano. In fact, it is so powerful that cinnamon can be used as a natural food preservative. Inflammation is incredibly important.It helps your body fight infections and repair tissue damage.However, inflammation can become a problem when it’s chronic and directed against your body’s own tissues.Cinnamon may be useful in this regard. Studies show that this spice and its antioxidants have potent anti-inflammatory  properties. Cinnamon has been linked to a reduced risk of heart disease, the world’s most common cause of premature death.In people with type 2 diabetes, 1 gram or about half a teaspoon of cinnamon per day has been shown to have beneficial effects on blood markers.It reduces levels of total cholesterol, “bad” LDL cholesterol and triglycerides , while “good” HDL cholesterol remains stable More recently, a big review study concluded that a cinnamon dose of just 120 mg per day can have these effects. In this study, cinnamon also increased “good” HDL cholesterol levels. In animal studies, cinnamon has been shown to reduce blood pressure. Cinnamon Can Improve Sensitivity to the Hormone Insulin.Cinnamon Lowers Blood Sugar Levels and Has a Powerful Anti-Diabetic EffectCinnamon May Have Beneficial Effects on Neurodegenerative DiseasesCinnamon May Protect Against CancerCinnamon Helps Fight Bacterial and Fungal InfectionsCinnamon May Help Fight the HIV Virus

Name of ingredient :Himalayan salt

Latin names:  

Origin:  Pakistan


Himalayan salt is rock salt (halite) mined from the Punjab region of Pakistan. The salt, which often has a pinkish tint due to trace minerals, is primarily used as a food additive to replace refined table salt but is also used for cooking and food presentation, decorative lamps and spa treatments. The product is often promoted with groundless claims that it has health benefits.

Mineral  composition 

Himalayan salt crystals

Himalayan salt is a table salt. Analysis of a range of Khewra salt samples showed them to be between 96% and 99% sodium chloride, with varying amounts of trace minerals such as calcium, iron, zinc, chromium, magnesium, and sulfate, all at safe levels below 1%.[1][9][10][11] Some salts mined in Pakistan are not suitable for food or industrial use without purification due to impurities.[1] Some salt crystals from this region have an off-white to transparent color, while the trace minerals in some veins of salt give it a pink, reddish, or beet-red color.[12][13]

Nutritionally, Himalayan salt is similar to common table salt,[11][14] except with regard to the essential mineral iodine. The commercial table salt in many countries is supplemented with iodine, and this has significantly reduced disorders of iodine deficiency.[15] Himalayan salt lacks these beneficial effects of iodine supplementation.[16][17]

3 reviews for Wild kakao Divlji Kakao (100g)

  1. Miodrag

    Perfect warm pleasure that I love to share with loved ones

  2. Marijana Gabrielsen

    Imala sam to zadovoljstvo da kod Ivana u Curandero šopu probam kakao i divlji kakao. Pravila sam ga sa biljnim, tačnije sojinim mlekom i predstavlja savršenstvo ukusa. Ono što ga razlikuje i od običnog i organskog kakaa je specifičnost mešavine kakaa i drugih začina, u čemu je Ivan neprikosnoveni majstor. Taj miks ukusa Vas vodi u neka daleka prostranstva, tako egzotična, a tako bliska i pitka. Oduševljena sam i što ovaj kakao savršeno otvara i balansira srčanu cakru, pa nakon konzumacije ovog savršenog napitka, imate osećaj prijatne toplote u grudima i nemerljive sreće. Moram da Vas upozorim da postoji mogućnost i da previše popijete, jer je teško odoleti. Želim da se zahvalim svojoj prijateljici koja mi je ovaj divni kakao poklonila I preporucila Ivanovu magiju sa biljkama. Moram i da naglasim da njegovi proizvodi nose prelepu i čistu energiju. Poklonite sebi ovu savršenu fuziju ukusa i uživajte u trenutku. Ja nastavljam da isprobavam ostale proizvode, a za sada je Curandero kakao moj prvi izbor kada želim da uključim sva čula. Prijatno!

  3. Mirjana

    Ovaj kakao je fantastičan, pravila sam ga sa urmama i kakao buterom, neopisivo lep, pun ukus. Najkvalitetniji kakao koji sam probala.

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