All jewellery is handcrafted by a crystal expert, crystal therapist, and artist, Teodore Paunović.
Necklace: Teardrop Clear Quartz
Meaning: This necklace features a teardrop-shaped Clear Quartz, symbolizing clarity, purity, and emotional healing. Clear Quartz is known as the “master healer,” amplifying energies and intentions while promoting emotional balance.
- Clear Quartz
Meaning: Clear Quartz is a powerful healing stone known for its ability to amplify energy and intention. It promotes clarity of thought and enhances spiritual growth.
- Boosts energy and enhances clarity of thought.
- Amplifies the effects of other crystals in the necklace.
- Aids in spiritual growth and manifestation.
- Generally safe; however, it may be overwhelming for those sensitive to high-energy frequencies.
Cleaning and Charging:
- Cleanse under running water, sage smoke, or sound vibrations.
- Charge under sunlight or moonlight, and it can also be placed on a quartz cluster.
- Hold the Clear Quartz in your hand and set your intention for amplification (e.g., clarity, healing).
- Visualize the energy of your intention being magnified within the stone.
- Thank the crystal for its support.
Synergy of the Necklace The teardrop shape of the Clear Quartz symbolizes emotional release and healing. It enhances clarity and serves as a powerful tool for those seeking to manifest their intentions and connect with their higher self.
- Cleaning: Use water, sage, or sound vibrations for cleaning.
- Charging: Charge under sunlight or moonlight; it can also be placed on a quartz cluster.
- Discharging: Place the stone on a selenite plate to reset its energy.
- Programming: Repeat the programming process as needed to reinforce your intentions.
Creative Name “Emotional Clarity Teardrop Necklace” – This name reflects the clear, purifying energy of the teardrop-shaped Clear Quartz, symbolizing emotional healing and clarity.
Ogrlica: Suza od gorskog kristala
Značenje: Ova ogrlica sadrži gorski kristal u obliku suze, koji simbolizuje jasnoću, čistoću i emocionalno isceljenje. Gorski kristal je poznat kao “majstor isceljenja”, pojačavajući energije i namere dok promoviše emocionalnu ravnotežu.
- Gorski kristal
Značenje: Gorski kristal je moćan kamen isceljenja poznat po svojoj sposobnosti da pojača energiju i nameru. Promoviše jasnoću misli i unapređuje duhovni rast.
- Povećava energiju i poboljšava jasnoću misli.
- Pojačava efekte drugih kristala u ogrlici.
- Pomaže u duhovnom razvoju i manifestaciji.
- Generalno je bezbedan; međutim, može biti previše intenzivan za one osetljive na visoke energetske frekvencije.
Čišćenje i punjenje:
- Čistiti pod mlazom vode, dimom žalfije ili zvučnim vibracijama.
- Puniti na sunčevoj ili mesečevoj svetlosti, a može se staviti i na geodu kvarca.
- Držite gorski kristal u ruci i postavite svoju nameru za pojačanje (npr. jasnoća, isceljenje).
- Vizualizujte energiju svoje namere kako se pojačava unutar kamena.
- Zahvalite kristalu na njegovoj podršci.
Sinergija ogrlice Oblik suze gorskog kristala simbolizuje emocionalno otpuštanje i isceljenje. Povećava jasnoću i služi kao moćan alat za one koji žele da manifestuju svoje namere i povežu se sa svojom višom svesti.
- Čišćenje: Koristiti vodu, žalfiju ili zvučne vibracije za čišćenje.
- Punjenje: Puniti na sunčevoj ili mesečevoj svetlosti; može se staviti i na geodu kvarca.
- Pražnjenje: Postaviti kamen na selenitnu ploču kako bi se resetovala njegova energija.
- Programiranje: Ponoviti proces programiranja po potrebi kako biste ojačali svoje namere.
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