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One of our most popular blends, this powerful rapéh comes from the Kuntanawa tribe on the Tejos river. This rapéh is prepared with a base of local, organically grown tobacco and the ashes of a Tsunu tree. It is then mixed with the herb Lourinho, which is traditionally used for spiritual cleansing. This blend will give you courage and strength for whatever journey you’re facing.

The Kuntanawa people were subject to massacres in the late 19th and 20th century but they persisted. Thus, their rapéhs represent strength, resilience, and the courage to remain true to themselves when outside influences wanted them to change. If these qualities resonate with you, this is the rapéh for you.

All of our rapéhs are ethically sourced from indigenous people and intentionally produced with the wisdom, intentions, and prayers of their humble shamans that want to continue living in harmony with our Mother Earth.


5ml, 10ml, 20ml


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