
Reiki is a gift from God.

The name itself – Reiki – originates from the Japanese pronunciation of two Japanese characters: 

Rei – Universal, Divine, All-encompassing, Vital

Ki – Energy

“The main goal of Reiki is not only the healing of diseases, it is the development of existing natural talents, the balance of the spirit, the health of the body and, as a consequence – happiness.” Mikao Usui


In one of the stories about how Reiki came about, the founder of Reiki, Mikao Usui, discovered Reiki on Mount Kurama in Japan, after meditating for three weeks. He became attuned to Reiki by divine intervention.

On the way down the mountain, he stumbled and hit his toe badly, so it began to bleed. He instinctively grasped his toe and noticed a nice warmth spreading in his foot, melting his pain away.

Whether this actually happened or not, the essence of Reiki is shown here: simply place your hands on a place of concern and start Reiki. That’s it! Does it not sound really simple? In opinion of many, Reiki is that simple.

It is not possible to list all the benefits of Reiki, because they are so numerous and unlimited. Any positive change that can happen to us and that we aspire to can result from or be encouraged by the use of Reiki. Changes during the practice of Reiki take place on all levels of our being. Reiki always goes to the cause of the problem and heals it even when we are not aware of its existence.

Now we will list some of the benefits:

– stimulates and accelerates our natural healing power
– reduces stress
– increases immunity
– eliminates toxins and other harmful substances from our body.    – accelerates the action of drugs, medications and other therapies
– extends life span and generally rejuvenates
– reduces pain
– improves brain functioning
– sharpens our senses
– improves sleep
– raises our level of consciousness
– enhances intuition
– harmonizes emotions and relationships with other people and the environment
– accelerates getting rid of bad and harmful habits
– it develops our positive emotions: love, compassion, sympathy, understanding… – it cleans the foods we take into the body
– helps us discover our talents and realize our full potential
– creates new and increases old healthy habits…

Ivan is Master teacher of 

Kundalini Reiki Millennium 

Original Reiki 

Golden Reiki TM millennium 

And also 2 level of

Ushui Shiki Ryoho Reiki sistem  


Ivan Nikitović

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