What is kambo
- Kambo acts as a great support to the immune system. Not only does it work on the physical body, but it also strengthens and harmonies the chakras, repairs our electro-magnetic field and closes the cracks in it so that we do not lose energy unnecessarily.
- The frog is active during the night and stays in the trees. Due to the fact that there are no natural predators, it can be found in abundance in the upper Amazon rainforests of Bolivia, Brazil, Colombia, Peru, French Guana, Suriname and Venezuela.
- Kambo is the highly toxic secretion of one of the largest Hylid frogs, also known as the Giant Green Monkey Tree Frog. Its scientific name is Phyllomedusa Bicolor.

Origin of Kambo
- Each tribe has its own legend or story about how they started using Kambo. The most famous legend comes from Brazil from the Kaxinawá community:
- An entire village fell ill and their doctor (Pajé – Brazilian name for a doctor who works with plants) tried to cure them with all the herbs known to them until then, but he did not succeed. He decided to go to the forest under the influence of the sacred medicine of Ajahuasca and find a cure for his tribe. He saw in his visions a great Deity who gave him Kambo the frog and explained to him how to use it. When he returned from his visions, he noticed a large frog in front of him, extended his hand to which she climbed, and they returned together to the village. With her, he managed to cure all the people who came to him. It has since been known as Pajé Kampu or Kampum. He worked with that medicine for many years, and when he died, his spirit continued to live in Kambo medicine and to heal through it, he still lives in it today and continues the mission of protecting the health of all those who need help. The secret of the frog became known as Kambo, but in some tribes also as Sapo, Dow-Kiet, Kampu or Vacina da Floresta (jungle vaccine).
- Kambo is believed to have been used for hundreds of years, as the medicine of the Kaxinawá people, but also many others such as Amahuaca, Katukina, Kulina, Yawanawá, Matses, Marubo and Mayoruna. It is still widely used in many communities in the Amazon and South America, and rituals vary from tribe to tribe.

How its effecting
- Kambo is the medicine of fire. When it is combined with the water we drink before the treatment, an alchemical process occurs, and old toxins are released from the body through a purge. This cleansing process works not only on the physical but also on the spiritual level. Kambo connects us with the wisdom of nature, confronts us with negative habits, shows us what we should avoid in order to improve our condition.
- The medicine is used by making small gates on the skin, burns, with the tip of a red-hot stick on which the frog’s secretion is placed. The effect moves almost instantly through the lymphatic system. The body becomes hot and the heart rate increases until the person starts vomiting the water he drank before. All this takes about 20-30 minutes.
- Recent scientific studies indicate its ability to treat infections, regulate blood pressure and have powerful effects on pain relief. There is also evidence of its effectiveness in treating Alzheimer’s and Parkinson’s disease, depression, migraines, circulatory problems, cancer, fertility, AIDS and hepatitis … It is no coincidence that several pharmaceutical companies have been researching Kamba’s healing properties for the past 25 years. so far they have 27 patents based on the peptides that exist in Kambo.
- The Katukina tribe used kambo for the prevention and treatment of diseases, as well as for physical resuscitation. Molecules isolated by philomedus are very antibacterial and can kill highly resistant bacteria. Kambo is suitable for any disorders or imbalances. It purifies the blood and heals all bodily processes. It can also be used by people who are looking for themselves and strengthening the immune system. Kambo is a medicine for the soul because it improves our general perception of life. It increases intuition, stimulates dreams, opens the third eye and removes uncomfortable, frightening blockages that interfere with the flow of vital energy of our body, which is important for a better quality of life. Kambo contains anti-inflammatory properties and does not require special care after application. Healing is fast.
Medical advice
- Kambo is completely safe when given by a properly trained practitioner, but there are some conditions that Kambo is associated with:
• Serious heart problems, including pacemaker, valve disease and enlarged heart
• Pregnancy or breast-feeding of a child under 1 year of age
• Extremely low drug-controlled blood pressure
• Serious mental health conditions in which medication is taken
• People with a history of psychiatric treatment or mental illness will need to talk to a practitioner in advance
• Anyone who has had a stroke before
Other considerations
• People with asthma will need to bring their own inhaler
• Diabetics will need to take insulin, a test strip
• If you are taking any medication, consult a practitioner
• Women who are in a cycle must be aware that the flow may increase in 24-36 hours after Kamba treatment.
- This is not a complete list, so it is important to contact your practitioner if you have any serious health problems. Sometimes it depends on the stage of the disease or the constitution of the person receiving Kambo.
Important information:
• It is important to eat light food a few days before Kambo and not to eat at least 8 hours before the treatment, and solid food 10 hours
before the treatment. No water 2-3 hours before.
• It is highly recommended not to consume alcohol or other substances for 48-72 hours before or after Kambo
- For more info contact kambo.balkan
- More infos about this medicine on last blog https://curandero.love/kambo/